It's no longer a news that so many people (especially women and young girls) are not happy with their look or body but what surprises me is the alarming increase of the number of children who are found in this category. I was shocked when I heard of a 3rd grader who always snicked out to the toilet to vomit any food she ate because she didn't want to be called fat (by her mother and friends) like her elder sister. It is sad to know that our society through advertising and the effects of unrealistic beauty standards has made young ones not to be proud of themselves forgetting that beauty comes in all sizes shapes and colours. Parents should be good role models to their kids. When mothers who do not feel good about themselves say negative things about their body/look in front of their kids, it sends a wrong message to them and they may grow up to believe that physical appearance is more important than one's inner beauty.
It's the work of the parents to raise a happy and confident child. A mother with inferiority complex and a very low self esteem will definitely influence (to a great extent) her child negatively. I've heard mothers call their children all sorts of names or say some bad things about their body, hair, size, colour, etc. This is disheartening. Speak bad about your child, that will be the bitter truth she will grow up to believe about herself.
Parents can start as early as possible to teach their little babies/children how to appreciate their bodies. This can be done through bonding with the child right from the infant stage. Touching, stroking, kissing, hugging, cuddling, and telling them how beautiful and special they are. By doing these, you are teaching them happy and confident body language. Lack of acceptance of one's own body in the first two years of his life is thought to be a reason for low self esteem. Touch, stroke, hug, cuddle,etc , give and show love. It's the essence of life. It's the child's spring board to an emotionally balanced future. It holds baby's temperature stable and breathing rate constant.
Parents must know how essential their ability to give love is to the child. All they need is for the channel to open. Let the gates of love open and waves of love fill their lives and they will grow up to have a very high self esteem, be confident in themselves, love and accept their body and know that beauty comes in all colours, shapes and sizes.
"This post is part of the 2011 Love Your Body Day Blog Carnival"