Changing environment, learning new language and new culture,being a wife and a mother, living far away from families and friends, I have come to share my views, thoughts, feelings, ideas on so many things that I cherish.

March 27, 2013

How To Get a Perfect Shave

Believe it or not, shaving has become the least expensive form of hair removal. As more men and women are turning into the art of shaving, most people still do it the wrong way and are also using the wrong tools and thereby running into the common problems of  nicks and irritation to the dead skin.
I think that there should be some basic and necessary items one should have in order to get a perfect shave. These simple tips works perfectly well for my husband who has been using this aged long family tradition:
* Get a good badger shaving brush. A good shaving  brush is not just a brush to apply the cream to your face, it ex-foliates and removes the dead skin from your face before shaving. They are made of badger hairs and come in difference sizes and hair types.

* For a perfect shave, get a glycerine-based shaving cream.

* Shave with proper shaving cream for your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, use a shaving cream that is made for sensitive skin.

* It is advisable to ex-foliate your skin before shaving and always moisturise your skin after the shave.

Through my interaction with some family members and friends, I have found out that many people still shave their dry skin but we should remember that shaving is a natural exfoliator. If you try to dry shave, you run the risk of clogging up the razor with dead skin  while putting yourself at the risk of nicks and razor burn.

Instead of dry shaving, I have found out that wet shaving or using shaving cream are about the best ways to give your skin the proper treatment it deserves.  

Here are some reasons why you should use shaving cream

1. Dragging a blade a across your skin everyday does a lot of harm to the skin. Shaving cream protects your skin from blades and facilitates gliding as opposed to dragging the blade across your skin. 

2. Using a quality shaving cream , makes a big difference. It ultimately helps to protect your skin from razor burns, bumps and ingrown hairs. 

3. Good shaving cream will not only give you a super close shave, they can also leave your skin smooth and gives you a cleaner shave.

4. Shaving cream helps to reduce cutting yourself as opposed to dry shaving.

5. When shaving, be gentle to your skin. Do not drag the blades deep into your skin. Handle it with some TLC and you will discover a new you.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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